Hair Restoration with Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy

Did you know that more than 50 percent of men will experience some type of hair loss after turning 50? Approximately 50 million American men and 30 million women experience male- or female-pattern baldness. So if you’re feeling follically challenged, you’re not alone. The good news is - there is a solution that is much more convenient than the traditional treatment that necessitates daily maintenance. Plus it’s safe and proven to help restore your hair!


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is simply miraculous! Easily harvested from your blood, PRP has regenerative properties that, when applied to your scalp, generate renewed hair growth.

After asking about the efficacy of this PRP treatment, the second most popular question I get is: Is it painful? While not a day at the spa - this is a medical procedure, after all - I will do everything in my power to make you as comfortable as possible. Here’s what will happen during your appointment:

Before the procedure gets underway, we will discuss your goals and expectations, and together we’ll determine the best course of treatment - which might include PRP therapy as well as Rogaine, stem cell therapy, and/or A-Cell protocol to boost the treatment.

I’ll apply a topical anesthesia cream to your scalp to minimize any discomfort. Then I’ll draw blood from your arm which will be placed into a special centrifuge to isolate the PRP. I inject the majority of the PRP over the entire scalp, focusing on key areas such as at the hairline, part, and crown. At the end of the procedure, we apply the small amount of remaining PRP topically and microneedle those treated areas to ensure optimal penetration. All of this will take about 45 minutes and then you’re free to go! No downtime. And though your scalp might be tender and flaking may occur for a week following the treatment, I’ve never had patients report any side effects.

Within a month, you should see baby hairs emerge, with peak growth occurring at three months following the procedure. Patients hoping to address specific balding areas should come in once a month for a series of three to five treatments. Your hair will continue to grow over 12-15 months, appearing thicker and denser with time. The results will last 1-2 years, so periodic maintenance treatments are recommended. 


My predominant goal is to provide the best possible care for my patients - so I spend a great deal of time researching the best solutions. The PRP protocol I selected is the most advanced, effective solution I could find - using a centrifuge that produces plasma that is densely filled with platelets - 8-10 times more so than average plasma found in the body.

When it comes to PRP systems, many medispas and aesthetics clinics aren’t providing FDA-approved treatments - rather they are using gel tube kits or even making their own “poor man’s PRP” - essentially drawing out plasma and calling it PRP.  While these offerings might be more cost-effective - they are much less effective, providing only two times the amount of growth factors.


Recent research indicates that PRP therapy delivers results. In a 2014 study, researchers looked at men with male-pattern baldness who used traditional, topical medications but saw little change in their hair growth. After four PRP treatments, however, they had about 30 percent more growth in thinning areas.  If you want to learn more about PRP, I explained it in greater detail in this blog post

If you’ve already tried or investigated alternative treatments for hair loss, you may have already learned about underwhelming results, high costs, messy topicals, painful procedures, and potential side effects. That’s why I’m so pleased to offer this alternative - my patients undergoing PRP therapy experience mild discomfort, no downtime, and results within three months.

Additionally, there is another emerging treatment demonstrating promising results: stem cell therapy. You can learn more about this exciting alternative in this blog post.

I’d be happy to tell you more about this stem cell therapy as well as answer any questions you have about PRP treatments for hair restoration. Just give the office a call at 425-970-8733 to see if you’re a qualified candidate.


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