Women’s Sexual Health
Sexual dysfunction happens. In fact, it’s pretty common. Research reveals that 43 percent of women report some degree of sexual difficulty, and the likelihood of sexual dysfunction - including painful intercourse, delayed or absent orgasms, and decreased libido - can increase as you age.
Sexual wellness is an integral component of overall wellness and healthy relationships, and Kass Precision Medicine is committed to helping women achieve the benefits of sexual fulfillment at any age. We realize that especially for women, sexual function is multivariable - hormones, stress levels, medications, and even birth control can impact everything from vaginal lubrication to desire. Changes in sexual desire, ability to achieve orgasm, and even pain with sex most often occur postpartum and around the age of menopause. Kass Precision Medicine has sought out the safest and most progressive treatments for addressing women’s sexual wellness.
Several factors may contribute to sexual dissatisfaction or dysfunction, including:
Medical conditions (i.e. autoimmune conditions, thyroid conditions, high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, bladder problems, and cancer)
Medications (i.e. antidepressants, blood pressure medications, antihistamines, and chemotherapy drugs)
Hormonal health (Low estrogen, low testosterone, or low DHEA can lead to a decline in sexual desire as well as decreased blood flow - resulting in decreased genital sensation. Additionally, the vaginal lining becomes less elastic and thinner leading to potentially painful intercourse. Vaginal dryness is another possible effect of shifting hormone levels.)
Psychological and Social (anxiety, depression, sexual abuse, and conflicts with partners can all contribute to sexual dysfunction.)
It’s important to note that there are many solutions to help women address sexual dysfunction. Dr. Kass begins with a thorough exam to identify the core issues affecting a woman’s sexual health - whether it’s hormonal, psychological, or related to medications or other comorbidities. With a clear picture of the root causes of a patient’s sexual challenges, Dr. Kass can offer several leading-edge treatment options:
This can be utilized to treat women in peri-menopause or post-menopause. Although testosterone is considered an off-label treatment for women in menopause, there is significant literature showing its benefits. For further information - here are a few articles to peruse:
Please read our blog about testosterone therapy to learn more about this topic.
Most commonly used in women who are officially post-menopausal (12 months without a period). Estrogen therapy may also benefit women with premature ovarian failure (AKA premature menopause). There are circumstances where estrogen may be given systemically or be applied locally to the vaginal tissue. Estrogen impacts vaginal lubrication and plumpness of the vaginal tissue, often improving pain related to sex and can also enhance desire. Additionally, for many menopausal women, estrogen therapy can enhance overall quality of life.
This treatment is for women of all ages - especially those post-partum or around menopause age who may be experiencing decreased vaginal tone, urinary leakage, vaginal dryness, or decreased orgasm. Viveve is a radiofrequency treatment that renews vaginal tissue by promoting healthy blood circulation and increasing nerve sensitivity. Viveve is the only vaginal rejuvenation device company that has completed a randomized, blinded, multi-center clinical trial that has been published in two peer-reviewed journals.
This can be a good tool for younger, pre-menopausal, and post-menopausal women who desire enhanced sensitivity, plumper vaginal tissue, or better orgasm. The O-Shot is an injection of your own growth factors derived from your blood into target tissues for improved sensitivity, lubrication, and sexual function.
For many women, lifestyle factors play a role in sexual desire and sexual function. A functional medicine doctor can help you evaluate the role of stress, diet, sleep, and exercise and make recommendations for lifestyle interventions.
For women who have a history of any kind of sexual trauma or abuse, engaging a therapist specializing in these issues can lead to healthy sexual relationships.
Medications are very commonly the source of sexual dysfunction for women of all ages - leading to decreased sexual desire, vaginal dryness, and inability to reach orgasm. Common medications with adverse effects include antidepressants, birth control, cardiac medications, and anti-anxiety medications.
There is some evidence that there are a handful of supplements that can be beneficial to sexual function. Maca, ginseng, and Tribulus Terrestris are a few examples of supplements that might prove helpful.
If you have been feeling at a loss about your sexual health, there is no reason to give up. Dr. Kass is passionate about helping women maintain their vitality and confidence and believes women need to have access to effective therapies and doctors willing to talk about sensitive issues.