Watch Out For The First Signs Of Early Menopause Symptoms
According to an article in AARP, nearly 6,000 women reach menopause every day in America. The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) reports that approximately 75 percent of women experience some kind of menopausal distress. And sadly, for close to 20 percent of these women, night sweats and hot flashes are severe enough to interfere with nearly every significant aspect of their lives: work, relationships and sleep.
For the majority of my female patients, vaginal rejuvenation is all about enhancing genital urinary health, function, and feeling. While some are looking to enhance aesthetics, I have found that more women turn to me for vaginal rejuvenation because they are having some level of dysfunction that is compromising their quality of life or relationships and they’re looking for a solution. And these conditions are more common than many imagine. For instance, more than 30% of women are affected by urinary incontinence, and half of postmenopausal women are affected by vaginal dryness and discomfort with sex.
Treating ED with Shockwave (GAINSWave) Therapy: Technology Matters
Shockwave therapy has been employed in the medical field since the 1980s - used to treat everything from breaking up kidney stones to addressing conditions like joint pain, bursitis, and tendinitis. More recently, physicians and scientists have had encouraging results using this kind of therapy to treat erectile dysfunction (ED).
Hair Loss - Causes And Treatments
According to the American Hair Loss Association, By the age of thirty-five, almost 60% of American men will experience some degree of hair loss, and by the age of fifty, approximately 85% of men have significantly thinning hair. And, mistakenly thought to be a strictly male disease, women actually make up 40% of American hair loss sufferers.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - Treating Traumatic Brain Injuries
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is the use of oxygen at higher than atmospheric pressure for the treatment of various diseases. During an HBOT treatment, 100% O2 is breathed in a pressurized chamber. Essentially, the goal of this therapy is to fill the blood with enough oxygen to repair tissues and restore normal body function.
Hair Restoration with Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy
Did you know that more than 50 percent of men will experience some type of hair loss after turning 50? Approximately 50 million American men and 30 million women experience male- or female-pattern baldness. So if you’re feeling follically challenged, you’re not alone.
Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine
You might be hearing a lot about stem cells in the news of late. It seems like discoveries of their regenerative properties are being unearthed every day. So what are “stem cells” exactly? According to the NIH: “Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth.”
Intermittent Fasting Part 3 - Myths and Misconceptions
As discussed in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series - intermittent fasting can be a powerful approach to weight loss. However, many people find the idea of fasting daunting. The idea of going hungry for extended periods is simply not appealing - and can even be frightening to some. So I believe it’s important to consider the myths and misconceptions surrounding intermittent fasting so you are well informed when considering this approach.
Intermittent Fasting - A Tool for Sustainable Weight Loss - Part 2: How It Works
As discussed in Part 1 of this series on intermittent fasting, many popular approaches to weight loss, including low-fat and calorie-restricting diets, simply don’t work. According to researchers at UCLA,“ You can initially lose 5 to 10 percent of your weight on any number of diets, but then the weight comes back...
Intermittent Fasting - A Highly Successful Approach to Weight Loss
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), over 71% of Americans are overweight. So it shouldn’t be surprising that it seems like a new diet comes along every day. For years, counting calories was thought to be one of the best solutions for weight loss: restrict your calories - and lose weight.
The Facial Rejuvenation Secret - Vampire Facials
Don’t let the name scare you! This all-natural procedure is proven to be safe and effective. And, I’m happy to announce that all the patients I’ve treated have reported that it is virtually pain-free, not to mention that they are thrilled with their new, improved skin tone.
Platelet-Rich Plasma - The Power And Benefits of PRP
Even though I’ve been studying and practicing Regenerative Medicine for over a decade, I am continually amazed at the human body. One of the most miraculous aspects I’ve come to appreciate is our regenerative capacities. In particular - the power of Plasma-Rich Platelets (PRP). Why, you ask? Because harnessing and applying PRP has allowed me to help heal countless patients - helping with all manner of ailments.
What is Vaginal Rejuvenation? A Review of Viveve, Thermiva, Labiaplasty, Mona Lisa & O-Shot
You might have heard the term “vaginal rejuvenation” and wondered, what in the world does that mean? Does my vagina really need to be, look or feel younger or more lively? What’s important to point out is that vaginal rejuvenation is about far more than aesthetics. This treatment is really about enhancing function and feeling. My patients turn to me for vaginal rejuvenation because they are having some level of dysfunction that is compromising their quality of life or relationships and they’re looking for a solution.
Let's Talk About Sex Pt. 3: Women's Sexual Health - Issues & Treatments
As we have explained in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series on Women’s Sexual Health - experiencing problems with sexual response, desire, orgasm or pain is a common, and complex, issue. So many women suffer from unsatisfactory - and challenging or painful - sex lives. The causes can be hormonal, psychological or related to medications or other comorbidities. So how should women approach treatment? Thankfully, there are many options.
Let's Talk About Sex Pt. 2: Testosterone & Women's Sexual Health
As discussed in our previous post, so many women have some form of sexual dysfunction. It has even been reported that the majority of women - up to nearly 87% according to one scientific literature review - suffer from sexual challenges, whether it’s a declining interest in sex or an increased difficulty reaching orgasm. So what’s to be done? One component of women’s sexual dysfunction that is garnering increased focus is testosterone.
NAD+ - Optimizing the Aging Process
Aging is part of living. There is no way to stop aging - but we can take strides to maintain our freedom. By taking care of our bodies and our minds - we can sustain our mental clarity, maintain our ability to move freely, and maximize our energy as we get older and continue to enjoy life!
Let's Talk About Sex Pt. 1: Female Sexual Dysfunction
Talking about sex isn’t always easy. It’s private, and intimate and - when we experience problems - can be embarrassing for some. And challenges can be especially prevalent after menopause.
Men's Sexual Health - Addressing Erectile Dysfunction
The topic of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) makes many men uncomfortable; it is oftentimes difficult to discuss with anyone - friends, loved ones or your physician. You should know, however, that you are not alone. The Massachusetts Male Aging Study reported that approximately 52% of men report some level of erectile dysfunction.
How Hair Restoration Works - Treatment Procedures And Cost
Get all the facts about hair restoration before you pick a hair restoration option. Read about the advanced hair restoration methods that are now available and why you might want to consider prp hair restoration. Check out our hair restoration cost breakdown for non-surgical hair restoration options.
GAINSWave In the News! A New Way To Look At Erectile Dysfunction
Check out our news page on GAINSWave Seattle to see the latest reporting on this amazing technology.